Vincent   ( 文森.威廉.梵谷Vincent Willem van Gogh )

﹝The Starry Night﹞-梵谷   { 美國紐約-現代美術館 }


Starry, starry night 繁星點點的夜裡

Paint your palette blue and gray 調色盤上只有藍與灰

Look out on a summer's day  在夏日裡出外探訪

With eyes that know the darkness in my soul 用你那洞悉我靈魂幽暗處的雙眼

Shadows on the hills 山丘上的陰影

Sketch the trees and daffodils 描繪出樹與水仙花

Catch the breeze and the winter chills 捕捉微風與冬天的冷冽

In colors on the snowy linen land 用那如雪地裡亞麻般的色彩


Now I understand what you tried to say to me 如今我才明白,你想說的是什麼

How you suffered for your sanity 當你清醒時你有多麼痛苦

How you tried to set them free 你努力的想讓它們得到解脫

They would not listen, they did not know how 但他們卻不理會,也不知該如何做

Perhaps, they'll listen now 也許,今後他們將會明瞭


Starry, starry night 繁星點點的夜裡

Flaming flowers that brightly blaze 火紅的花朵燦爛的燃燒著

Swirling clouds in violet haze 漩渦似的雲飄在紫羅蘭色的霧裡

Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue 映照在文生湛藍的眼瞳裡

Colors changing hue 色彩變化萬千

Morning fields of amber grain 清晨的田園裡琥珀色的農作物

Weathered faces lined in pain 佈滿風霜的臉羅列著痛苦

Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand 在藝術家憐愛的手下得到撫慰


Now I understand what you tried to say to me 如今我才明白,你想說的是什麼

How you suffered for your sanity 當你清醒時你有多麼痛苦

And how you tried to set them free 你努力的想讓它們得到解脫

They would not listen, they did not know how 但他們卻不理會,也不知該怎麼做

Perhaps, they'll listen now 也許,現在他們知道了

For they could not love you 因為當初他們無法愛你

And still your love was true 但你的愛依然真實

And when no hope was left inside 當燦爛的星空裡

on that starry, starry night 不存一絲希望

You took your life as lovers often do 你像許多戀人一樣,結束了自己的生命

But I could have told you, Vincent 但願我能告訴你,文生

This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you 這個世界根本配不上一個美好如你的人


Starry, starry night 繁星點點的夜裡

Portraits hung in empty hall 一幅幅的肖像懸掛在空盪盪的大廳裡

Frameless heads on nameless walls 無鑲框的臉倚靠在寂然的牆上

With eyes that watch the world and can't forget 配上一雙看遍世事且永不遺忘的雙眼

Like the strangers that you've met 就像你曾遇見的陌生人

The ragged man in ragged clothes 那些衣衫襤褸的人們

The silver thorn of bloody rose 也像血紅的玫瑰上銀色的刺

Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow 斷裂並靜臥在初下的雪上


Now I think I know what you tried to say to me 我想我已明白,你想說的是什麼

How you suffered for your sanity 當你清醒時你有多麼痛苦

Then how you tried to set them free 你努力的想讓它們得到解脫

They would not listen, they're not listening still 但他們卻不理會,現在依然如此

Perhaps, they never will...  也許,他們永遠不會……


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